FULL SHOW | Elliott's Boxing Backstory, Sue and Lloyd Clarke cover image

The Rush Hour with AB & Elliott13 Jul 23

FULL SHOW | Elliott's Boxing Backstory, Sue and Lloyd Clarke

Elliott is going to attempt to get fit by starting boxing, AB has asked an AI to write his backstory. We wanted to know if there was anything you'd want changed with the way the Origin series is played out. Sue and Lloyd Clarke joined us to talk about their charity Small Steps 4 Hannah and the introduction of legislation criminalising coercive control. Today's obscure history lesson is about a whale that was exploded prematurely. We went on the hunt for Queensland blokes who like to shop for leisure and Elliott's dog has impressed on a whole other level. 

Elliott is going to attempt to get fit by starting boxing, AB has asked an AI to write his backstory. We wanted to know if there was anything you'd want changed with the way the Origin series is played out. Sue and Lloyd Clarke joined us to talk abou...

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